Women in Motion Newsletter for August 99

Women in Motion

enhancing female performance

Vol 1. Issue 1
August 1999

Letter from the Editor

First Newsletter

Welcome to Women in Motion's first newsletter. Back in February when I first saw the advertisement in iVillage.com offering free web pages for members, producing a newsletter for the running service was not even on my mind. Here we are five months later with the first edition.

The Running Woman Message Board in Fitness and Beauty

In March, the message board for female runners was discovered in Fitness and Beauty. After reading the messages, it was felt that Women in Motion could offer a service to this community. At that time a posting appeared asked if anyone was interested in hosting the board. Two days later, that was me.

The past several months have been enjoyable and I look forward to making contacts with new members and renewing old contacts. At times it is difficult not to sound 'expert-like' , especially with the amount of researched articles accumulated over the years. Certainly experts, we are not.

I hope no one minds the references made to the website pages. With some of the questions being repeated by new members, it seems to make sense to send them to a web site page where the information is stored.


Advance Article:

Speed Training

Base before Speed

In any running program it is very important to remember 'Base before Speed'. A wise runner knows that before beginning speed work, it is essential to have built a strong base. This base should include at least 12 months or more of running, and approximately five weeks of hill training.

The Base

While establishing your base training the main emphasis should be on getting the cardiovascular system adapted to handle the demands of speed work. This base period should improve cardiovascular efficiency as well as the efficient cleansing of by-products from the body.

The Strength Training Period

By using hill training the muscles in your lower legs, hamstrings and glutes will strengthen. This will allow the shifting of body weight forward and permit you to use your ankles to develop a stronger push-off. The strengthening of the leg muscles prepares you for what lies ahead.

The Speed Work

The purpose of speed, also known as anaerobic training, is to have the body learn to run fast when the muscles cannot get enough oxygen. This is known as anaerobic training. The object is to simulate the level at which anaerobic demands occur.

The purpose of doing speed work is very simple. It makes you run faster. The goal in speed work is to tax the cardiovascular system at a higher rate than usual, by providing overload. With overload, the system adapts to the new level, and you (the runner) may then be able to run faster.

Speed work should be done in progressively longer distances. Do not expect to run the same distance that you do now - only run much faster.

-Fariyal Samson, Women in Motion

You are receiving this newsletter because in the past, you emailed 'winmotion' or 'cl-winmotion' with a running request. If you do not wish to have future newletters sent to you, please send an email to:

winmotion@ivillage.com using the word "unsubscribe" in the title.

If you have any suggestions for topics or questions please email us. We would like to create a monthly newsletter that reflects the interests of the female runner.

Gordon Samson, Editor
Women in Motion
Visit us at https://winmotion-ivil.tripod.com/index.html

Fariyal Samson leading the way at the Cross Calgary Ultramarathon