Energy Gels
Energy gels provide a carbohydrate blast designed especially for those on endurance events such as marathons. If you walk fast and breathe hard, a gel pack is safer than chewing/choking. Energy gels must be taken with water. New brands aim at being natural or being less cloyingly sweet than the original brands.
For walking fast on a long distance event, an energy gel gives you needed fuel without fat and without chewing. Breathing hard and chewing means a risk of choking on a bar or other snack. Drink water after using an energy gel to help it absorb. On long walks, use gel after the first hour and then at least hourly. Gels have approximately 100 calories per packet.
1) GU Energy Gel
Uses complex carbohydrates for sustained energy without a sugar rush. Flavors include Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Outrage, Orange Burst, Just Plain, Tri Berry, and Banana Blitz. The Just Plain tastes sweet without any flavor but a hint of imagined vanilla. All have caffeine (the equivalent of 1/5 a cup of coffee) except for the Banana Blitz.
2) Carb-Boom Energy Gel
Basing its energy on complex carbohydrates and keeping simple sugars low, Carb-BOOM is much more refreshing than the cloying, intense sugar goo of most energy gels. Give it a try, you may love it. Comes in Vanilla Orange (caffeine), Strawberry Kiwi, Banana Peach, and Apple Cinnamon in 1.4 ounce foil packets.
3) PowerGel
Eighty percent complex carbohydrates, 20% simple carbohydrates for quick and sustained energy. Chocolate, Tangerine and Strawberry Banana contain a blend caffeine, kola nut extract and ginseng. Tangerine is double caffeinated. Vanilla, Lemon Lime and Tropical Fruit are caffeine free.
4) Clif Shot Energy Gel
Decaf flavors Mmm… Chocolate, Razz Sorbet™ and Viva Vanilla, caffeinated flavors Mocha Mocha and Sonic Strawberry (equivalent of 1/2 cup of coffee). The package has a "litter leash" to keep the tab attached.
5) Honey Stinger Natural Energy Gel
Natural honey with electrolytes and vitamins - it has a low glycemic index and so it gives you sustained energy without the sugar bonk. Comes in honey flavor, mint, and Ginsting with caffeine and ginseng.
Energy Bars
Energy bars have a mix of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. They are convenient for a snack when on a long walk, especially as a meal replacement. Most rely on either peanuts or soy for protein, with the soy ones targeted to women. The "outdoor" types generally are not chocolate covered and hold up better in your pack. Some of the original types really gave your jaws a workout to chew.
When walking for two hours or more, you need a snack to replenish your energy. Energy bars are one way to get that boost. But dieters beware, they can have almost as much fat and calories as a candy bar. The benefits are generally additional vitamins and a balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Think of them more as a meal replacement than a small snack.
1) Balance Gold
The Balance Gold line of bars are the tastiest, in my opinion. The Caramel Nut Blast is a good substitute for a Snickers bar, with slightly lower calories - 210, with 7 grams of fat, 15 grams protein, and 23 grams carbohydrate for a 40-30-30 proportion. The drawback - the chocolate coating will melt. But I just lick it off the wrapper. Oh, yeah, it has vitamins and stuff, too.
2) Balance Outdoors
Balance's Outdoors series has no melting coatings, so they travel better your pack. They all have the 40-30-30 ratio of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Flavors include Nut-Berry, Crunchy Peanut, Honey Almond, and Chocolate Crisp. About 200 calories each with 9 grams of fat.
3) Balance Oasis Bars
Targeted to women, the protein in these bars is from soy and the calories are under 200, fat is lower than their usual bar at 3.5 grams. They also have 22 vitamins and minerals.
4) PowerBar Harvest Whole Grain Energy Bars
PowerBar's Harvest label is very tasty, easy to chew, and features about 240 calories per bar with 45 grams carbohydrate, 7 grams protein, 4.5 grams fat, and lots of vitamins and minerals. The Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip flavor is perfect to pack along - no coating to melt and it is delicious.
5) PowerBar Pria
A lower-calorie and delicious option targeted to women. Pria bars have only 110 calories, 4 grams of soy protein, only 3 grams fat, 23 vitamins and minerals including calcium and folic acid. The Double Chocolate Cookie flavor is great, and the thin chocolate coating won't present much of a melted mess in your pack.
6) Luna Bars
Luna bars are also targeted to women, with soy protein and under 200 calories per bar, 4.5 grams fat, 26 grams carbohydrate, 10 grams protein and 22 vitamins and minerals. They come in some great flavors, but I tend not to like their rice crisp base. Most are partially coated but shouldn't melt much in your pack.
7) Clif Bars
Clif Bars tout their all-natural ingredients, and they mostly rely on soy protein. They generally have 220-250 calories with lots of carbos, a generous dollop of protein, and around 6 grams of fat, and lots of added vitamins and minerals. Lots of inventive flavors.
Energy and Sports Drinks
Water is not enough on a long walk. Sports drinks with sugar and salt better replace both water and body salt when walking for more than an hour, to prevent dehydration and hyponatremia (low salt). Steer clear of those with fancy additives and herbs, which do you no good on the walk, and look for those with proper salt and carbohydrate replacement.
For athletes to stay well hydrated it is recommended that they drink 1/2 to 3/4 cup every 15-20 minutes during exercise. In long endurance training or events it is helpful to use a sports drink to replenish lost fluid and sodium. In order to increase intake, many athletes find sports drinks taste better, are easily digested and provide needed nutrients before, during and after exercise.
1.) Gatorade Frost
Glacier Freeze is my beverage of choice. A cool, refreshing drink that never tastes too sweet and goes down easy in the hottest or coldest training sessions. Try one of the other 15 flavors. Lemon lime is the most popular.
Calories: 50 | carbohydrate: 14gr. | sodium: 110mg. | potassium: 30mg .
2.) Cytomax Tangy Orange
Cytomax contains complex carbohydrate and electrolytes. I prefer the orange because it isn't quite as bitter as the rest. Bottom line: it does the trick and keeps you moving.
Calories: 100 | carbohydrate: 20gr. | sodium: 80mg. | potassium: 150mg.
3.) Powerade - fruit punch
Made by The Coca-Cola Company, Powerade has a slightly watered down Hawaiian Punch taste. Slightly tart, not too sweet. Easy to drink in any weather.
Calories: 70 | carbohydrate: 19gr. | sodium: 55mg. | potassium: 30mg.
4.) G-Push Hydration formula
G-Push Hydration Formula is a 2.5% carbohydrate electrolyte sports drink designed for hydration and re-hydration. It contains galactose and minerals to hydrate safely without the risk of inducing hypoglycaemia. A bit bitter, but gets more acceptable as you go through your workout.
Calories: 25 | carbohydrate: 12gr. | sodium: 170mg. | potassium: 40mg.
5.) All Sport Body Quencher
All Sport, made by Pepsi, is a fruity, very sweet drink. Best icy cold. Can get too sweet on a hot day, but easy to drink, a lot like Kool-Aid.
Calories: 70 | carbohydrate: 20gr. | sodium: 55mg. | potassium: 50mg
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